Unity Magazine by Cathy Combs

A Morning Walk With God

I have always marveled at the many channels through which God reveals Himself to us, or should I say the many channels through which we find God! I realize that God is, shall we say, obvious; but whether or not we see, feel, or realize His presence is up to us. The very nature of God is total expression. To me this implies one Presence and one Power, and that is God.

Recently I had an experience which proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is but one Presence and one Power.

It was dark, and I was on my way to work. As I approached the building where I work, a car pulled up behind me. Its headlights cast two shadows of me on the wall. At first I was stunned. I thought, "How can that be, there's only one of me?" Then I realized there were two headlights. I thought then of the duality of good and evil. When we give credence to both ideas, we cast two shadows that look so very real. Of course they are not. God is only wholeness and casts no shadow.

Recently I have been quite taken by the idea of the wholeness of God rather than focusing only on one aspect, and this momentary encounter brought the idea home to me in a wonderful way. In our study of Truth, this has important ramifications as we contemplate not just life, wisdom, love, and abundance, but the wholeness of God. Our consciousness of the wholeness of God opens the way for the fulfillment of Jesus' promise: "... I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) To me this verse means that we may have a full awareness of the wholeness  of God within us! Isn't that what life is all about? And what a wonderful Truth this is! We have a marvelous legacy and much potential with which to bring it forth.

When we feel low, we can use this time to gather our resources in quietness and peace and give ourselves the time we need to begin anew. As it so wonderfully says in the Bible: ... "Behold, I make all things new."  (Rev. 21:5)  When we stop and give ourselves some time, we do indeed see and feel that we are new. Each moment is new and lovely, and the present moment is the only moment we can live. God knew this when He created us. He gave us a Mentor to show us, and show us He did! Jesus knew His worth. He had no hesitation whatever in going to the Father and calling His resources forth. We need not hesitate either. We are the infinite creation of God, and our very purpose is to call forth the oneness and wholeness of God that is within us.

I feel that part of our pain is in not fully realizing and accepting that something as good as God could possibly be interested in us. But God is interested in us! We are His very hands and feet. God is certainly the fullness of love, and it is His "good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32)

Of course, our doorway to the kingdom is prayer and meditation. In prayer it is said that we talk to God; and in meditation we listen. Both are necessary. Together these beautiful communications bring forth the sacred wholeness within us. When we turn within, we become in the outer what we are in the inner-- the wholeness of God. And we walk with God for all eternity, casting no shadow!

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