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April 2016: Heretics & Heroes: Part IV Of XII

by Cathy Combs


It's rather amazing to sit down here and start composing this inspirational article. I feel like my growing season is on speed dial lately. It's just a few days before this is due to be posted and here I am just remembering I haven't written it yet. I've been experiencing many, many changes and so many, many blessings. I'm so very grateful.

One of my newest blessings is reading Dr. Brene Brown's new book, "Rising Strong", and just like her other books this one is so very informative and inspirational and most certainly promoting new understandings and inviting me into new territories. The comedy of her work is it's clarifying the title of my fourth book on Quantum Prayer that I got a hit on January 31st when I realized ok, it's time to start this new one. My awarenesses are inviting me into territory that feels very, very unguarded, meaning not built on fear and walls which are both lousy foundations to build anything on ever! I intend to continue building my foundations on Joy, Clarity, Vision, Passion and Understanding. That's a much more Generous and Joy-filled and compelling foundation.

It's Easter Sunday as I'm writing this and Mother Nature sure had a surprise for me this morning as I walked outside and saw snow on my car. Snow was falling as I drove to church and I was laughing in gratitude as I felt Mother Nature saying, "Don't you dare be complaining. It's been such a mild winter in your area." I had to laugh at that and realize the Truth of that statement. The sweet blessing of that surprise is nothing even stayed on the ground. It turned out to be a gorgeous, mild, sunny day with many blessings.

I've made some huge changes lately which have opened the door to an inflow of so many blessings. This adventure in Faith is always such a ride of surprises, blessings and opportunities to grow into a wider, deeper Understanding of all I AM. I breathe deeply into that invitation and it always brings a smile to my face because acting in Faith is such a powerful, wonderful way to live each moment. I love it. Sometimes it feels like I'm stretched beyond my wildest imagination and sometimes it's simply so much fun I'm absolutely ready to go on the ride. Whatever I'm feeling it is so important and transformative to be open to the blessings and gifts in each moment even when they feel much more like challenges that I'm overwhelmed by. That's when deep breathing that grounds and centers me is so important to remember and do!!!

I hope as you enjoy this unfolding Spring journey that you allow yourself the room to entertain a new journey, a new vision and see what blessings you can invite into your life. The Magic of that invitation is that the blessings are already within you waiting for you to allow room for them all to come forth into physical expression. I understand better and better how exponentially benevolent the Universe is if I will just love myself enough to allow room for the blessings to be made visible to me. It's such a Wonder-filled journey to live from that Faith. We are sacred. We are holy. This Wonder is our heritage, our very Nature. It's our God Self in expression. It's within us just waiting to bless us!!!

I hope these ideas aren't new to you. I hope you have allowed room in your life to move beyond an Identity totally defined by fear. Fear is not your Identity! Peace and Grace and Joy are just a few names of your true Identity, your God Self, that fully embodies the Understanding that you are a blessing in the world and that you are blessed in return as you allow yourself to open and flower into the Beauty you are! I hope it's not new to you that you are so very needed and valued. If it is new to you I'm happy to be sharing this Truth with you. You are so very needed and valued. I remember so very clearly when I woke up to that Truth many years ago. It was quite the awakening. I know it can be frightening to leave an old identity behind. I also know so fully how Joy-filled it is to embody a new Identity defined by Love, Peace, Grace and Joy. This new Identity is available every moment. It truly is already within you just waiting for you to take the steps forward into a new Place, a new Vision of all you are and all you wish to be.

Whenever we are establishing a new pattern it only takes 21 days to establish a new pattern of being. It takes 21 days to establish the new neural networks in our brain that recognize this new pattern. It is also very important not to be focused on fear when we're beginning something new. A fear focus sows the seeds of our demise. Stopping and breathing deeply centers us in Confidence and Faith and Joy, and all the qualities of Being that sow seeds of fantastic success and fun. In this beautiful Spring season of new Life I'm moving forward into each moment with open arms and an open heart allowing room for new blessings and new ways of serving a world I love so very much. As always I look forward to sharing the path with you. Blessings to us all as we journey forward into new Life and Grace and Vision and all the Gifts of Spirit we are!!! Namaste!!!

