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2017: Heretics & Heroes:
Part IX Of XII

by Cathy Combs


I always love writing this particular month's newsletter for several reasons. Fall is my favorite season reveling in all the fabulously beautiful colors and September 3rd each year is the day I celebrate throwing away my braces and deciding in particular I will decide what is best for me! This year marks the 43rd celebration of declaring my freedom! In other ways I declared my freedom years earlier when as a young 20 something I knew I was done with living in fear and not believing in myself. It was an awesome move forward, exhilarating, freeing and frightening in some ways. I don't know what any next moment holds and yet I do fully know move forward in Faith and amazing blessings always unfold. It doesn't mean I'm not knocked sideways sometimes. It does mean I will never pitch a tent and stay there. I will experience the moment fully and completely. I will listen. I will release what I no longer want and need and I will definitely make the best of every moment.

Right now I am experiencing some amazing upcoming opportunities. Very recently I spoke up and said I can help in a particular way that means a great deal to me. I have no idea what it all entails. I just know it is mine to do and I will be immeasurably blessed in return. I have always found that that is the way Faith works. When I follow through with Guidance I receive the blessings are always amazing. It works the same way for everyone. As I say that I am reminded of one of Buddha's answers when one of his disciples kept asking him, "Who are you?" Buddha's answer was "I am awake!" I love that answer. It means I am alive to the present moment. I am alive as Presence!!! Again that is who we all are if we would just awaken and love ourselves and be present to who we are!!! That is our greatest blessing to ourselves and to the world now and always!!!

What I also love about this time of year is we are celebrating the Fall Equinox and we are getting ready for the final agricultural harvest before we settle in and get ready for a much more contemplative inward focused time where we are sending down roots for new beginnings in the Spring many months in the future. It's a time to review what we've done and who we are now and what we want to nurture and what we want to release. It is a time of great Fullness and Beauty and Celebration and Gratitude.

September is also a time I will be celebrating being in a new place, a new state I have never visited before. I know it's beautiful there. I've seen pictures. I am so excited about the new opportunities and the new sites I will be seeing. I know it will be a time of laughing and joking and as yet untold adventures. I'll fill you in next month.

Right now I am also so very mindful of things that appear to be a challenge to me and a frustration at times and yet I am so very mindful that these moments are nothing compared to what the vast majority experiences every moment of every day. In some sense I live a very modest life by Western standards and yet by global standards many people would think I am a queen of some great village. I'm not trying to be funny. I am very aware of the Truth of this statement. Being mindful of this Truth helps me to stop and refocus and center into the flow of blessings always present to me if I will just be open to ask and receive. Help is all around if I will just ask and be open to receive!!!

Another interesting aspect of this present moment is the amazingly different summer we have experienced here in the Midwest. We have had so much rain the grass is a vibrant green instead of the usual dead brown we experience because it is so hot. It has been so mild off and on it's even in the 50s at night. Even though I've had mud in my basement numerous times it is nothing compared to so many of my friends who have experienced so much flooding they lost their homes! Yet another opportunity to count my blessings and do what I can do to help others.

That reminds me of a very sweet and powerful thing we are focusing on in one of my spiritual communities that means so very much to me. We can always do this when we are spiritually awake enough to care to do it. We are doing random acts of kindness. I remember one moment some years ago that I will never forget. It had been a miserably difficult day at work. I was stopped at a red light in a very wealthy part of town where I usually never go. There was an African American man standing there obviously needing help. Something about his look I knew his need was real. I reached into my pocket and didn't even look at how much money I was handing him. He immediately started to cry and said, "God bless you." I smiled and nodded and started crying too. I happened to look in the rearview mirror just as the car behind me was handing him money too. Then I was really crying. I felt that my act of giving was inspiring someone to do the same thing. It was a magnetic moment. There have been many others and I have been on the receiving end of many magnetic moments too. We are all connected in so many amazing ways if we will just be open and awake to our Oneness!!!

The recent solar eclipse here reminds me of that Truth as well. It was a fabulously opening Energy expression and movement and change. Who knows what is in store for any one of us as we move forward in each moment!!! A hilarious part of that day was I went to a place that is very special to me and usually so quiet. I didn't know they were doing a massive renovation project there and it was anything but quiet in one sense and yet I just laughed and sat down and relaxed into the moment as is. It was a beautiful time. I got to see the new furniture that had just arrived and I got to see one of the newly renovated rooms and was overwhelmed by the Beauty I saw and felt.

I feel so Peaceful today as I sit here doing what I'm doing and just being the moment and open to what is mine to be and to do. I hope that you allow yourself to be open and present to each moment as it comes knowing the Truth that you are a wondrous Expression of the Divine Incarnate. We are all here to express and experience the magnitude of Generosity of all that Life is. It is obvious that multitudes of people are not aware of the Truth of who they are and yet if we will hold the Truth for them they will awaken. That is the Power of Love. That is the Power of Peace. That is the Power of who we all are here and now and always!!! Let's join Buddha's brilliant Awareness and be Awake!!! Let's go forward to be and do all that is ours to be and do!!! Amen. Alleluia!!!

