Newsletter November 2006 by Cathy Combs

Thank You, Spirit Of Love!!!

I contemplate the upcoming celebration of Thanksgiving in the full circle context of forgiveness. I heard the words recently “give thanks in all circumstances!” These words remind me, “be in the world, not of the world.” These thoughts speak to me of staying centered in what's really important; staying centered in God-Consciousness, that is the consciousness of all abiding Love as Jesus and all the spiritual masters of our time on Earth have lived, not ego's control battles. I feel very much like I accepted the challenge I heard in a dream recently, “Go to the edge of the cliff. Jump off. I'll catch you with feathers.” I'm definitely on a huge new learning curve. I'm uncomfortable. I'm sharing this because I know God-Consciousness is calling me out into a fuller awareness of myself. I'm grateful in the challenge and in the healing! I'm still uncomfortable. I am nonetheless grateful. It's an important learning curve for all of us to embrace. Out of this deeply personal spiritual work the healing of the world happens. The personal truly is universal! We are not alone. When it comes to trust and forgiveness I often feel out on a limb, and yet I know with all my heart this is a necessary journey toward wholeness. The wholeness is already there. I just have to step fully into it. Forgiveness is a powerful form of Love. Forgiveness is: our willingness to express compassion; our recognition of our oneness with God-Consciousness in all circumstances; our entry way into healing. I give thanks for my willingness to extend forgiveness, to “re-member”, to come back into, my wholeness. I cherish this renewing feedback loop of forgiveness and thanksgiving. I give thanks for my willingness to be renewed to begin again and again and again; as long as it takes! I trust in the cosmic love that is at work in this process! It's a life long process!

I heard it said recently that if our only prayer is “thank you” that would be enough. I believe the statement that every thought is a prayer. I am reminded to consider what thoughts I speak into being in my life. In his book, “Spiritual Economics”, the late Eric Butterworth, a prominent Unity minister for many years, says that “thankfulness is a causative power.” What we give thanks for increases! What thoughts we dwell on manifest! Dwell on the Spirit of the Divine I AM as the power base in life. Affirm “all things are working together for my good and I am working with them in the Love, Wisdom, and Power of Spirit.” Then watch as these thoughts increase the flow of good into your life. Looking beyond appearances means we understand we are connected to the invisible spiritual realm that underlies all existence. Recognizing this means there is nothing impossible to us because it already exists in the invisible realm of Spirit; our Source of all good. This divine Spirit of Love is always present! Affirming our oneness with the Source manifests our good. It's an inexorable spiritual law. We cannot be separate from our Creative Source. We are Its very expression!

Quantum physics is bringing this age-old Truth into focus again today! The Industrial Revolution removed us from this awareness. Rene Descartes' idea that the body and mind are separate removed us from this awareness. Worldwide we are powerfully coming back into the awareness that we are all intricately interconnected, that the body and mind are an intricately connected feedback loop, that when a pebble drops in the water somewhere the effect is felt far beyond where we think it might still be having an impact. We cannot get away from the fact that we are all here together! Like the commercial once said, “Pay me now (change your oil filter regularly) or pay me later (buy a whole new transmission for your car). A better analogy now would be don't use fossil fuel at all! Be like Sweden and join their commitment to be completely fossil fuel independent by 2010! That's a nation of 8 million people who will no longer use fossil fuel. What an important contribution to the world! What a bandwagon for all of us to jump onto today! By this kind of declaration we are all invited to be the change we wish to see in our world! What a statement of thanksgiving that is for us all to emulate!

I heard forgiveness defined as “giving for life”. I take that to mean giving our attention to life. Giving our attention to the impact we're having, and making meaningful amends to anyone we have harmed. In the same vein thanksgiving is giving thanks for all we are, for all we have, and for all we will have! Both of these spiritual processes are calling us out into a conscious awareness of who we are and what we're doing! I believe our spiritual awareness is always a forward moving process. I do not believe we go backwards. I believe we're given the opportunity to reconsider our choices, to “re-view”, to look again from a wider perspective, at things we've done and said individually and collectively. Forgiveness and thanksgiving are gifts to extend every moment, every day! Not just once a year! It's a cleansing, renewing ritual; a way to keep the flow going. It's a way to be conscious of our power and impact. We cannot afford to be removed from it! To think that we make no difference has a huge impact on us individually and collectively! This truth can never be underestimated! Our humanity to ourselves and each other is at stake when we forget who we are! We are creations of the Infinite Divine!

We can also ask ourselves, “What is our intention?” Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, “The Power Of Intention” speaks to us of the power of conscious stated intention. That which we are seeking is seeking us! Our spoken words draw to us that which we speak into being! All we do or say comes back to us multiplied! Melody Beattie eloquently speaks to this principle in her book, “Codependent No More.” We can love ourselves to wholeness! We can break the chain of depression by being conscious of what we're doing! We can make new choices! We can empower ourselves to be independent, happy and healthy no matter what has happened in our lives!!! I believe that with all my heart! Wholeness is within us!

Take a moment to look at your life in a new light, will you? What are you giving your life toward? Your answer matters! You matter! I am committed to making a transformative difference in the world. I am committed to living a life of Love. I am committed to disspelling fear from the world! I give thanks for the profound difference Divine Love has made, and is making, in my life! I am conscious of the fact that I am the Divine in expression! We all are the Divine in expression! It matters to me how I show up in the world. I am committed to being the change I wish to see in my world. I say thank you to all the mounting millions who are joining in this transformative effort! One moment at a time, with every thought, word and deed we are changing the world for the better. You are here to join the effort. You are here to be conscious of what you are giving your life toward! Namaste to you, precious one! Welcome to this transformative effort!

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