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2020: Heretics & Heroes:
Part XI of XII

by Cathy Combs


To say the very least I'm soooooo very grateful to be writing this article as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving which I have said endless times is not just a once a year celebration but an every moment every day celebration!!!!! In times like these I don't think there could be a more needed and powerful and important reminder!!! As strong as I AM in sooooo many ways these gloomy cold isolated days have been a challenge for me and yet I AM playful enough and Aware enough to be grateful that it's 40 above at the moment and not 40 below as an example of what blessings I AM soooo grateful for and I AM reminded yet again what an enormous and needed blessing Gratitude is for our immune system. This is true for everyone not just for me!!!

I AM also so very grateful that my spiritual communities will be meeting in person again very soon and I AM sooooo very grateful for that reality. I miss my friends and yet I AM soooo very glad I have ways to connect with them and places to go where I feel safe to go. One of our lessons we've been focusing on is how we deal with uncertainty. That's a huge lesson and a huge gift. It teaches us how to stay focused on and in the present moment and not be weighed down by the past and not be anxious about the future. We don't know what is coming from moment to moment and there are no guarantees about Life except the fascinating reality that if we stay focused in the present moment and remember to breathe deeply and relax and release we are able to tap into the ever present Strength and Resilience that is our True Nature!!!!! This focus is a huge blessing to say the very least!!!!

As I'm sharing these thoughts and feelings with you I Am also sooooo very aware of the poverty and violence going on all over the world and even in my home community. The stress people are feeling is very visible and it is a huge reminder of the Power of simple acts of Kindness like a smile or a nod or letting someone go through an intersection before we do. I have said a zillion times how Powerful acts of Kindness and Awareness are and these acts are soooo very needed today and every day. They change our world in huge ways and even when we don't say a word to anyone people feel the Energy of our nod and acknowledgment. That's how Powerful our Energy is. I've also said that Truth a zillion times and It is certainly a needed reminder today with all that is going on in our world.

This month is also an amazing call to action as we elect our next president and leaders on other levels of government and no matter who is elected it is a constant reminder that our participation is sooooo very needed and it is the only way we change our world for the better. No matter what has happened in our lives when we wake up to the Power and Spirit we are we change the world for the better. As we also forgive and release actions and words and feelings that have hurt us we open our hearts and minds and bodies to the immeasurable Strength and Resilience we are!!!!! Remembering this Truth is how we go forward new and renewed!!!! It also reminds us how very needed and important we all are. It is sooooo very evident that sooooo many people have never known this Truth or have forgotten this Truth and yet It is within us all waiting for our recognition and remembrance!!! Saying all this reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from a very dear friend of mine who said, "If it is to be it's up to me." This is an invaluable Truth to know and honor. It is our key to a Happy, Healthy, Empowered, Compassionate Life. It is absolutely what we are here for now and always: to know and honor and live from the Truth of who we are as Spirit Incarnate. I can't help but smile as I wonder how many times I have shared this Truth with you. It is certainly also a huge blessing to me to remember and honor and live from this Truth. The challenges I feel get sooooooo much lighter when I stay focused in the Truth of who I AM because staying focused in that Truth helps me shine the Light I AM. That same Truth is true for all of us. We are the Light of the world and as we remember and express that Truth the evidence of Love and Peace will become soooooo very present now and always. It's already here in each moment. We just have to recognize that Truth so we can see and feel who we all are now and always. We can see and feel the Truth for others and that is how they wake up to the Truth of who they are and needless to say that is an invaluable and needed Gift to the world now and always!!! That is the Gift of Compassion and Kindness!!!! We all are that Gift and that Power now and always!!!! We just have to be It and use It!!!

As we move toward the end of 2020 we are heading directly into our Christmas season and into the spiritual holy days that so many other traditions celebrate as well. What a spectacular way to close out the year and celebrate our Oneness and Interconnectedness. Celebrating our Oneness is yet another way to boost our immune system and ensure our Happiness and Health and Healing. It is our Gift and our Opportunity to bless ourselves and each other and I certainly can't think of a better way to close out the year and be open in brand new ways for all the Gifts yet to come and yet to share. Saying all this and feeling all this has certainly been a blessing to me and hopefully a blessing to you. I AM so very grateful to be here and honored to share my thoughts and feelings with you.

As we go forward into the month of December it is truly a very special Gift for us all to consider what Gift and Gifts are we ready and willing to be and to receive in this precious world that we all share together. It means soooo very much to me to be Kind and Generous and I know so well what It feels like to be that Gift and to receive that Gift from others. I will also say again that I very much recognize the Courage It takes to open to the Truth of the Gift we are if we've never considered the Truth of the Gift we are. Playfully I will also say that there's no time like the present to open to the Truth of the Gift and Greatness we are so we can heal ourselves and experience the Unbounded Love and Joy of who we have come here to be and to share with others. Blessings to us all as we share the Gift and the Love and Joy and Inspiration of who we truly are as Spirit Incarnate, Spirit Embodied in our physical realm on our beloved planet Earth and we honor and celebrate the Truth of our Interconnectedness!!!!

