The Invocation of a Dream/The Call to Life by Cathy Combs


The sun of high noon is waning. Yes, indeed, I did notice it. I choose to continue on this shared journey. I hear the murmurs about a sacrifice being made. I wonder whose definition is being invoked!! I like mine; to make whole, to make holy. I'm sure you've heard of that one. I'm sure you know it's such a consequential matter of perspective.

As I continue this shared journey I hear a call that says, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." I must say, at the very least, the call is intriguing. Oh yes, a little frightening, even a little comforting. How I am enjoying this journey, this new-found sense of peace and confidence. Never have I understood better the delicate balance between "of the earth" and "of dreams." Never have I understood better that this is not only a story about you and me, Jennet and Tam Lin, but of the Magician and the Wheel of Life. It is such a consequential matter of perspective. It is such a consequential matter of choice.

At this point in the journey I understand that the sacrifice being requested is to jump fully into life and love, to step boldly into the mystery that something, indeed, comes from nothing! Each step I take seals the inseparable link between always and never. I heed the call.....there is no path....leave a trail!


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