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2017: Heretics & Heroes:
Part X Of XII

by Cathy Combs


Here we are in October of 2017. Almost seems unbelievable that this year is almost complete. I am continuing to enjoy the Vibrancy and Beauty of this wonderful season. As I said last month Fall is my favorite season. It is so colorful and beautiful in so many ways. I also playfully will acknowledge that the oak mites are having a hay day. Wow!

It is a powerful Truth to see the humor everywhere we can. It doesn't mean make light of anyone's tragedy. It means focus on Resilience and Gratitude and Grace and Peace. These spiritual Truths that are the very Essence of who we are makes Life so Beautiful and Transformative. I never get tired of celebrating these Truths.

I learned a very fascinating Truth recently as I went back to a spiritual community where I have many friends. There are many ways to see things. Staying anchored in Peace and Faith and speaking up and sharing my view and then going forward whether it is accepted or rejected is a Grace-filled way to live and honor Life and diversity. I had a wonderful time and will stay connected again.

I marvel yet again at the many, many ways my Life is being blessed. I am so very grateful for the blessings and the lessons. Every time I say those words I can't help but think of one of my very dearest friends and mentors, Rev. Sallye Taylor, who used those words. I feel like the anniversary of her death must be very near because she is certainly on my mind and in my heart. I know her vibrant Spirit is still alive for so many people.

In that same playful vibrant Spirit it is yet another awesomely gorgeous day although certainly muggy and hot but the breeze is wonderful and refreshing. We have had such a mild uneventful summer weather-wise for the most part. I realize that much of the world has experienced catastrophic storms and earthquakes. I feel it is Mother Nature's way of bringing many things into focus that we have buried and they are coming up for a new view to be released and healed so we can go forward in a renewed Spirit of Peace and Harmony and Understanding. It will most definitely be interesting and fascinating to see if we will turn within and take a new look at all we're seeing, thinking, feeling and doing.

I also saw a dear friend's movie documentary on Gandhi's life. One comment Gandhi made boggles my mind. He felt his life was a failure because he couldn't bring the Peace that he so valiantly devoted his life to for his 78 years. As I watched that movie and listened to his message I realized yet again that we cannot control what is happening in other people's lives. We can do our best. We can work for Peace and Justice but we cannot control what other people choose to do if they choose to remain blind and stuck in their self-hatred that they project onto others and then react violently. What I so greatly admire about Gandhi is his Compassion toward everyone including his assassins. That's a rather mind-boggling expression of Grace and Peace. I am happy to do my best to live from that Spirit of Compassion and Grace. I know that intention is a HUGE blessing!!!

As I move forward into the continuing changes within and all around me it will indeed be fascinating to see and feel the lessons and blessings I am moving toward. Tomorrow I am going to see a very dear friend who is a very gifted psychic. It is always fascinating to listen to her and witness how brilliantly she sees what's needed to be seen and then shares it with us. Many tears are always shed as people feel the freedom of the message they came to receive. We all have Gifts to share and that is another detail that makes Life so very Beautiful. I'm so very grateful that I have such a Spirit of Appreciation. It's such a Powerful blessing!!! I fully intend to keep It growing!!!

As you move forward into each unfolding night and day of this year what dreams are within you that you have not yet allowed to come forth into full focus? I'm asking that knowing that as I allow my dreams to come into full focus they certainly will and I know the same is true for you!!! I consider it a challenge and a wondrous exciting adventure to step into knowing that I AM everything I need to make my dreams come true and so are you everything you need to make your dreams come true. I know with all my heart that we live in a wondrously beneficent Universe. All the chaos is inviting us to release and let go of what no longer serves us and focus on the Divine Presence that we all are. I know many don't understand that Truth yet. It is nonetheless true and I will continue to hold It in my heart and mind knowing that as I do that I allow room for the greater and greater Expression of the Truth of Peace and Grace in this world here and now. Can there possibly be anything better we can do with our lives? I don't think so. It is my sacred Intention to be all that I AM and all I AM meant to be in this world here and now every moment. As more and more of us have that Intention we will bring the Light into the world. It's already here. We just need to open our hearts and minds to It so we can see It, feel It, and be It. I also treasure the fact that I love the night. I love the darkness. It is only in the darkness that we see a different kind of Light, the Brilliance of the stars!!!

As I say that I laugh knowing that in the Goddess tradition we also celebrate the New Year this month. What Westerners celebrate as Halloween is also the celebration of the New Year. The agricultural season has reaped its final harvest of the year and now we prepare for the new growing season of the coming Spring. It is a time I look back on the year and see what I have sown and reaped and plan for what is yet to come as I turn within and allow more time for contemplation and thanksgiving. I wish you the very best as we all move forward in the different views that night and day offer us each moment. Blessed Be and Namaste to all of you. May we all be blessed!!! I know we are!!!

