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2020: Heretics & Heroes:
Part XII of XII

by Cathy Combs


It's always an interesting adventure getting ready to write my monthly article for my website. It's cloudy and cold here so far as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in a few days. As I've said before Thanksgiving is not just a once a year celebration for me. Thanksgiving is an every moment celebration and it makes such a huge difference to live from that heart connected perspective. It makes the challenging times more bearable and there certainly is no shortage of challenging times now. As an example I was in my favorite Park on Saturday and there was this humongous line of cars going down two streets and I asked the young guy there what is that and he said it is a food and coat giveaway. It was heartbreaking to see soooooooooo many people in such dire need of help. It was yet another example of how grateful I AM for all the blessings in my Life because I'm certainly not dealing with any of that or any of the other heartbreaking issues people are dealing with. One of the ways I help people is whenever I go to my favorite grocery store I always give whatever change I get back from my purchase I give the money to their food bank that they support. I can't imagine how many people have lost everything and have nothing and I want to help in every way I can. I have said many times before how Powerful a nod and a smile can be. They can even be Life changing in many circumstances because people feel seen and acknowledged and valued. It means the world to me to be supportive in that way and in every way I can be.

As we head toward the many celebrations of the different worldwide spiritual perspectives it brings me great Joy to celebrate the Winter Solstice and Christmas. I love that in that timeframe we celebrate the daylight coming back and the days getting brighter longer. I love it when the Sun is shining so brightly. I'm often amazed at how wonderfully warm I AM in the Park in my car when the Sun is shining even on the mildly warm days it's barely 40ish and I don't need the heater on because the Sun is so warm coming through my window. That is yet another example of giving thanks for so many blessings.

As we head into 2021 no telling how many blessings and challenges and changes will be coming our way. It reminds me of our inherent interconnectedness and how important it is to stay heart-centered and positive. There are countless points of view and countless experiences that we all have had and it makes a gigantic difference to be as Generous and Loving as we can possibly be. There's sooooooo much fear and violence in the world and it's such a heartbreaking example of how disconnected and powerless people feel and it takes great Courage and Generosity to view these situations from a Peaceful centered point of view and respond rather than react!!!! There's a huge difference between responding and reacting and the results are hugely different as well!!!! In many situations it's literally the difference between Life and death!!!! As I've also said many times before this is one of the many situations where deep breathing is so Powerful and helpful as it keeps us embodied in Peace and Clarity so we can respond rather than react!!!

As I go forward into this New Year one playful and meaningful thing I've done lately is contacted people I haven't seen or talked with in years. I found one of my high school reunion lists and I started calling some of them to see if they were still at the same number from 20 years ago and I have talked with some of them and it was a blast to connect with classmates from sooooo long ago!!! It was our 36 year reunion and that was 20 years ago and we had a blast connecting again. Another example is much more recent but yet another example of reaching out to make a connection with a dear friend whose number had changed and what it meant to both of us to reconnect again especially in these times where there is so much isolation. Another example of the connections we need is the hugging that isn't happening because there is so much fear about the coronavirus and yet the point that even the medical community is missing is how important hugs are for keeping our immune systems strong and healthy. We are social beings and we need physical contact to stay healthy. We also need to be mindful of common sense and stay home when we are sick.

As you go forward into 2021 I hope you stay mindful of the many ways you are a blessing and if you don't feel you are a blessing use this New Year and New Energy to make a Love connection with yourself so you can feel your inherent Worthiness and Value. We all are Spirit in Expression and there is no higher Expression of Life than Spirit. As you value who you are you are open and receptive to giving and receiving Love and Peace and Generosity and all the countless blessings that are ever-present for all of us!!! As I've said before that may be a new viewpoint for you but it is nonetheless the Truth of who we all are. That is certainly not what people who rule by fear want you to know because then their power over you is gone but as I've said sooooo many times before once we come to the Understanding of who we truly are we can go forward in a Spirit of Peace and Faith and Confidence to be the blessings we are meant to be and there is no more Joy-filled Experience than being the blessings we are meant to be!!!!! That is our very Purpose in Life and I have said that sooooo many times as well!!!!! As I have also said before there is no such thing as a small act of Kindness. Every act of Kindness is a blessing to the giver and the receiver and these acts of Kindness are Life changing even if we don't realize it at the time because they add up over time and our brain chemistry changes and that sets a new pattern for how we respond in the world. So as we go forward to honor and celebrate this season of Joy may we all be open and receptive to new ways of being, giving and receiving!!!! That is how we become the change agents we truly are by being open and receptive to the new and ever changing ways of being our true Spirit in Expression!!!! As I have also said soooo many times I realize what Courage and Strength and Faith it takes to change when we have become so used to thinking of ourselves in “less than” ways and yet when we take that opportunity to change we open ourselves to immeasurable blessings of Happiness and I have certainly found that taking that opportunity to be open and receptive to the Limitless Good we truly are is well worth the effort!!!!!! Blessings to us all as we go forward into 2021 with open and receptive hearts and minds and Spirits. Take care!!!!!

